Really boys? The BEST day of your lives?????

Really? Not Christmas, your birthdays, vacations?

Minecraft success = best day of a 7 and 9 year olds lives. Really.

video of boys

What is Minecraft anyway?????

About thesandlins

1. My childhood dream was to be an astronaut. I would have been OK with just going to Space Camp. 2. A dream of mine is that one of my kids will want to go to Space Camp. 3. I am happily married to the person that was my biggest crush in High School, despite him being younger than me and despite a lot of people trying to keep us apart. 4. I have a bad habit of trying to prove people wrong. See #3. Tell me what I can't do and I will make that my next objective. 5. My sister is my best friend. 6. I know that I am crazy, stressed, and obsessed with trying to do it all and I take offense when people try to tell me to take it easy or slow down. 7. More than one doctor told me I couldn't have children. (See #4) 8. I hold grudges. 9. Nothing makes me crazier than people not having common human decency. 10. I pride myself on not knowing all the answers but I am damn sure I can find them all. :) 11. The best way to really know something is to do it yourself. 12. I am horribly afraid of spiders and losing my teeth. 13. I have seen the Taj Mahal in person, but not the Statue of Liberty. I have been to London but not Chicago. 14. I never want someone to think they know everything about me, although sometimes I am an open book. 15. I wish my non-Facebook friends (Jaime, I am referring to you) would join. 16. I make crazy instant decisions about what house I will live in or car I will drive, but obsess over what window cleaner to buy. 17. I am a Scorpio and it is obvious. 18. I love m&ms. 19. I am a horrible gardener. Nothing I ever plant grows. I have a pot of plastic flowers outside of my house. 20. I cry at weddings. 21. I hate working out. 22. Jon makes me sane. 23. I never follow a recipe. I love to read them and make them my own by adding or subtracting ingredients. 24. I love to fall asleep to Iron Chef. 25. I let my kids take all the pots and pans out of my cabinets and we rock to Bacon Brother's "Pots & Pans". Try it sometime, you'll find it's the best therapy!
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